Will Vic Mignogna and Sean Schemmel Ever Be Friends Again
November 2007
2007-11-4: The alleged Izumicon incident
2007-11-19: Volume 2 of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle was released in the UK

(Hilariously, they put Vic's name on the cover that features Sabat's character)
March 2008
April 2008
Anti-Christian Bias: "Thanks To Jeebus", "he held his church service, and I recall being a bit irked that we couldn't hold any CON related events.", "Ed isn't REALLY an atheist – he's just angry at god!", "congoers need to embrace Jebus"
July 2008
August 2008
Faisal Ahmed arrested for filing a false police report: https://georgia.arrests.org/Arrests/Faisal_Ahmed_37036850/

May 2010
D.C. Douglas got fired from Geico for asking a Tea Party group how many retards they have on staff:
Geico FIRES D.C. Douglas: Voice Actor Dropped After Insulting FreedomWorks, Tea Partiers
Voicemail Archive
July 2010
July 2011
2011-7-22 – 2011-7-24 (Exact date of panel still needed)
May 2012
Vic Mignogna embracing William Shatner at Phoenix Comicon 2012

August 2012
2012-8-27: Archive
Tess Yost thirsts after Vic Mignogna: https://twitter.com/tess_eract/status/240159242772938752
September 2012
June 2013
January 2014
2014-1-27: Archive
Monica brags about dating Illich Guardiola: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/428045693094072320
May 2014
2014-5-9: Archive
Teacher married to teen is jailed on sex charge: https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Teacher-married-to-teen-is-jailed-on-sex-charge-5466936.php#taboola-1
Illich Guardiola marries a 16-year-old girl to avoid prison
August 2014
2014-4-21: Archive
Faux News: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/458479159996473344
September 2014
2014-9-10: Archive
41-year-old man marries 16-year-old teen; case dismissed: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/09/10/man-marries-teen-case-dismissed/15379279/
2014-9-11: Archive
Charges for teacher, 41, who 'slept with 16-year-old student' are thrown out after he married her in Las Vegas: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2752345/Charges-teacher-slept-16-year-old-student-marrying-Las-Vegas-thrown-out.html
September 2015
2015-9-15: Archive
Gave his Heart a "Reach Around": https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/640408798906068993
October 2015
2015-8-23: Archive
Harass Vic Mignogna: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/635608023168352256
It does however show the camaraderie between Vic and Monica over the years.
September 2015
2015-9-6: Archive
Scott Freeman Convicted: https://animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-09-06/voice-actor-scott-freeman-convicted-of-possession-of-child-pornography/.92346
Anime News Network: Voice Actor Scott Freeman Convicted of Possession of Child Pornography
March 2016
2016-3-12: Archive
Vic defends against Christian protesters: https://www.facebook.com/100000107444921/posts/1289035517776684/
September 2016
2016-9-3: Archive
J Michael Tatum on working with Vic Mignogna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPmj7b7n7cE
July 2018
2018-7-12: Archive
New "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" Movie Coming to North America: https://blog.funimation.com/2018/07/12/new-dragon-ball-super-broly-movie-coming-north-america/
Funimation announces Dragon Ball Super: Broly will be released in theaters in North America
2018-7-19: Archive
Metrocon 2018 – Voice Actors Unplugged Panel: https://youtu.be/EbT3QTq5Q8g
Jamie Marchi , J. Michael Tatum, Apphia Yu, Micah Solusod, and Jeannie Tirado participated in panels with Scott McNeil and Jason Marsden.
On the Friday panel, J. Michael Tatum is asked if there will be a second season of Ouran High School:
[TATUM]: "So, you're asking me whether or not there's gonna be a season two of Ouran High School Host Club? Ok, so…. This is really exciting! No, never. Stop asking.
It's been like 15 years! If they wait much longer it's going to be Ouran High School Nursing Home! We're all going to be in our 80s being like 'Hey, remember that time when I could drink tea?' [laughter from attendees]. No, like, it's like it is the worst. Like I love that show so much and for years we've been chompi- everyone whose worked on it has been chomping at the bit for a sequel but I don't think (sighs) Man, every year everyone's like 'I just heard it's official!' and it's always a lie…"
[laughter from attendees]
[TATUM]: "So, never believe it! Never! I will believe it when I'm in the booth recording and even then I'm gonna be like 'Is this real? Is this real or this just a joke?' [laughter from attendees] I've been hurt way too many times, so… But, when it comes to stuff like that, actors don't know. We don't know. We're the last people to know. You often know before we do."
[CON STAFF OR ATTENDEE]: "Well, you better tell Vic to stop spreading lies then. 'Cause that's what he did last year."
[MARCHI]: "Eh, that is who Vic is! Don't you tell us to tell him [unintelligible due to Tatum laughing]. Sorry (laughs).
[ATTENDEE] "No, no, he was dressing up as Scott [McNeil] on YouTube…"
For the record, Mignogna made no mention of a second season of Ouran High School in either of his panels nor in interviews from Metrocon 2017. Furthermore, there is no footage of Vic dressed as Scott McNeil from 2017, either.
2018-7-29: Archive
"So, the question that everybody has asked me at my table has been 'Are you playing Broly in the new movie?' [pause] Here's my answer: I sure as hell better be!
[laughs, then turns to see image of Broly behind him]
I mean there he is! Ooooh, Dang… He's awesome. [responds to a fan] No. But you know what? I've played him I think longer than Edward [Elric]. I've played Broly like 15 years and every English incarnation of Broly: 3 movies and 13 video games. So, I was –I was very excited to hear that they are making a Broly movie and that he is finally coming into canon and into the prime universe.
So, I'm sure excited about it. I'm-There's still some time, we haven't really started on [it], yet. They just announced it."
September 2018
2018-9-14 – 2018-9-16 (Exact date of panel needed): Archive
Keystone Comic Con 2018 – Vic Mignogna Spotlight Panel: https://youtu.be/b0WcJ2vX_iQ
"Now I'm sure somebody wants to ask about the new movie that's coming out. Well, that's fine. You could ask. I will tell you that I'm very excited that Broly is being made canon, finally. He deserves it.
Um, as far as whether I'm playing the role or not, I'd better be. I can't answer that officially, but I will tell you I sure as hell better be. I'm the only English voice of Broly. I've played him 20-15 years, 3 movies, 13 video games. So, uh… I'm really looking forward to it and hoping to be a part of it."
2018-9-28 – 2018-9-30 (Exact date of panel needed): Archive
[MIGNOGNA]: "Yeah, let's talk about the Broly movie. [cheers from attendees] IT'S ABOUT FRICKIN' TIME! That's what I want to say about bringing Broly into the prime universe. [drinks water] I was telling somebody at the table earlier I, uh, I've-I've played Broly for 15 years, 3 movies, 13 video games, and all the time I'm like "What's wrong? Are you afraid? Are you afraid to bring Broly into the prime universe? For fear of what he'll do?" And, uh… So, I'm very, very excited about [attendee's phone rings and distracts Mignogna] Uh, I'm very excited that there-that there's a Broly movie coming out.
Now, notice I didn't say I was doing it…. [audible "aww" coming from attendees] I'm not allowed to talk about it much right now. So, I just want to be clear: don't go home "Oh, Vic said he was doing it!" No, I didn't. I have not said it. All I've said is that I'm excited that Broly is coming into the prime universe, right?
Now, if I wasn't voicing Broly, then someone would have to die [attendees laugh]. I'm sorry. Out of my control. It's beyond my -my– I can't help it. But, I-I love him and, uh, he doesn't love me much. But, uh, I've always teased for years about, you know, about voicing the character and how strain- what a strain it is on the voice. And it is. But, you know what? That's the job, right? And, uh, I'm okay with that.
I got a lot of people come up to me over the last, uh, several conventions now when the movie was announced and they're like "Bet your're hatin' life right now? Bet your hatin' –" and I'm like "No, I –" [shakes head] I love playing Broly. I just, you know, it's just tough on the voice. But, that's fine. I'm happy do it. My voice will get better, right? It'll heal up. Maybe."
[ATTENDEE]: "Does Broly survive in the end?"
[MIGNOGNA]: "Oh, bro, I can't tell you that. What? [attendees laugh] I don't see any – anybody killing Broly."
[ATTENDEE]: "I don't see it, either."
[MIGNOGNA]: "And, you know, I mean I don't know. I can't answer that. I haven't seen the movie. Um, so I don't know. But, I certainly hope so. I would love to see him, like, I hope this means he's kind of a part of Super. You know? Kind of starts – maybe kind of transitions into the series somehow."
Vic seems to be under NDA at this point. Also, might want to clip the beginning part of the panel, too. Vic makes a joke about the rumors of "being a dick" as he introduces the con handler in the room.
October 2018
2018-10-5: Archive
2018-10-19 – 2018-10-21 (Exact date of panel needed): Archive
Anime USA 2018 – Acting! 101 with Monica Rial Panel: https://youtu.be/6btseyZW1pA
– (5:58) "Acting, as a very basic, basic rule, is making believe, playing pretend, so well that other people believe you, right? So, how do you do that? How do I play pretend in a way that it's so incredibly honest and true that people believe what I'm saying? It's not easy. And this is the part where it gets tricky because there are many different techniques and there are many different strategies."
– "There's Meisner technique, there's the Stanislavski method – I'm not going to bore you with all that, that is what college is for. If you decide to go to school for acting, you will learn about all of those things. Right now, I'm just going to talk to you about what it's like to act and react and how it's supposed to feel and what you're supposed to bring about within you. You can take that with what you will and learn your different techniques on your own."
– (6:54) "But, basically acting – you want to be as real as possible, right? It's all about truth. It's all about honesty. Here's the thing about voice acting in particular that's typical is that you can of fake it on stage, right? Because, here's the thing: if I'm on stage then I'm going to use my diaphragm, so everything is like bigger and back here. But I can like – I feel I'm doing Shakespeare, let's say. Everything I do is going to be more dramatic so that the people that are 5,000 miles in the back still see that I'm a so dramatic, right?"
– "So I don't necessarily have to feel those things because you can tell by my body language what's happening – I'm angry, I'm happy and lovely and graceful. You can't do that in film, right? So [in] film, you can't lie as much as you would in theater. In film, though, you can still lie. Because then everything is about being weird. It's about being real quiet. It's about being real natural. 'Hey, how you doin today? It's good to see you.' 'Oh, hi! How you been? Yeah, doin' great.' I mean like really weird – I even feel weird doing it. That's why I don't do film."
– "Because I'm just there and they're like 'Be real!' 'This is real for me. This is my personality!' And they're like 'that's too big…' 'Well, then you're asking me to not be real.' 'No, be real.' 'Ok, whatever.'
– (8:16) – "But the one thing about anime voice acting or voice acting in particular is that you cannot lie. There is something weird about this instrument right here that if I am telling you something that is not honest, you will be able to tell."
– "How many of you ever watched an anime and there's, let's say, a character that is fine. You know I mean? You don't particularly hate the voice or anything but for whatever reason something that character doesn't sit well with you. You're like 'I just don't like them as much as I love the other people" or the performance just feels a little bit off – They're not being honest. And you subconsciously are picking up on that."
– (8:56)"You're picking up on their nervousness on… maybe they've had a bad day and there's some subtext in their reads that its coming out that way. So, a lot of times when people are like 'Oh, I hated that performance,' it makes me go back and 'who was that again? Ohhh.. that was the actor. Yeah' So it's very, very strange in anime and in commercials and stuff like that you have to make sure that if you are acting, you have to believe it 100%."
– The hardest part, and we're going to start with commercials. What's hard about commercials is that if you get a copy – we call it a copy, any ol' script is a copy – you get a copy for McDonald's and you are a vegetarian. And you have to talk about how much you 'love' the Big Mac and the 'juicy meat.' It's kinda hard if you absolutely hate the idea of eating meat, right? So I have a coach out in LA, Marice Tobias – oh, she's fantastic. She taught me that the best thing to do is something called [insert term]."
– (10:06) – "It's basically a swichteroo. So like if I am a vegetarian and I'm trying to sell on a Big Mac, I might switch that Big Mac for whatever is something that I truly love to eat. Let's say I'm a vegetarian that loves caramel frappuccinos. Well, all of a sudden, instead of talking about the Big Mac gonna be 'juicy and filling,' I'm going to be thinking about frappuccinos and how 'icy cold' it is but I'm going to use those words to sell you that frappuccino [?].
– "So it's very, very interesting to watch and practice because I did a workshop, the ones she had people come up and there was one girl that had a CVS/Pharmacy coffee and she just wasn't selling it and everybody's like 'I don't understand what's going on?' And then the coach, Marice, is like 'How do you feel about CVS?' And she's like 'I don't like it. Every time I go up there, I get like this receipt that's like a million miles long and its annoying and I hate it.' 'Okay, umm… how do feel about [writing]?' 'Well, I like [writing]! They like bring back lipstick..' And she's like 'Okay, well switch out CVS with [writing].' And all of the sudden, we were all sold. We were like "Oh, sweet! I want to go to CVS right now!"
The relevance to this panel is the "Hey, how you doin today? It's good to see you" part Rial does is awfully close to how she presented herself in her deposition and the bubbly "This is the real me" was nowhere to be seen in the deposition.
November 2018
2018-11-16: Archive
2018-11-16: Archive
2018-11-16: Archive
2018-11-16: Archive
December 2018
2018-12-4: Archive
Funimation announces more cast members for Broly: https://twitter.com/FUNimation/status/1070038547787276288
Dragon Ball Super Broly US Premiere: https://youtu.be/O8zC1f9_HlU
2018-12-28: Archive
"But sometimes fans ask me for too much and they push the envelope too far and that's when I have to let 'em know I am a human being. And, uh, I wish other big celebrities would do that more often. Because what happens is big celebrities – I don't consider myself a celebrity – but the big ones, they do this weird 'always be nice, always look good, always – don't ever show'- then you end up creating this cult of personality or unrealistic relationship with their fans. Then a fan comes to me and goes 'Well, that person let me do all this crazy, inappropriate shit. Why won't you?' and I go 'Well, that person's an idiot for letting you do inappropriate shit!' [laughs] You know? Or-or –or sometimes I'll say 'I'm not as nice as that person.'"
January 2019
2019-1-16: Dragon Ball Super: Broly Hits Theaters
2019-1-15: Archive
HanLeia's Infamous Tweet: https://twitter.com/hanleia/status/1085478817764827136

2019-1-17: Archive
KickVic Hashtag Formation: https://twitter.com/MarzGurl/status/1085835389242302464
2019-1-20: Archive
2019-1-31: Archive
Monica Rial – I Believe and Support Survivors: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUZVXGngLR/
February 2019
2019-2-3: Archive
Neil Kaplan – Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306922823249920
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306923926347776
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306926963048448
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306928003309568
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306929689407488
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306930687569920
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306939474661377
2019-2-3: Archive
Original URL: https://twitter.com/NeKap/status/1092306940485459969
2019-2-3: Archive
Wait, it's Coming: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1092317579463540736
2019-2-3: Archive
Over 100 Accounts: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1092318488461496321
2019-2-3: Archive
Bill Cosby is a Great Dude: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1092318795681722369
2019-2-5: Archive
Niel Kaplan is deflecting: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtiDQlBgBgi/
2019-2-5: Archive
Never Said He Wasn't a Friend: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1092820604229746693
2019-2-5: Archive (Archive screenshot is 8 hours later than it should be)
Samantha Inoue-Harte – Vic had sex in my bed: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215483911065129

It's not a secret to anyone who really knows me about my dislike for Vic Mignogna. In fact, I've been pretty open about it. Why? Because he did things to me, my friends, attendees, staff, and volunteers that are absolutely vile.
Little petty things like him pulling me aside and telling me to my face that I needed to stop attending conventions. Him walking into my panels while I was in the middle of a performance and asking my attendees to leave because he needed the space to prep for his panels. Him telling me | needed to cast him in my projects because that's what I "needed". Like the way he only called me when he wanted something from me….with the whole, "Hey Buddy!" line. Him yanking me towards Japanese guests and demanding that I translate what he says to them without asking me if I would be willing to do it. I wasn't a peer, I was someone he looked down on.
Stuff like that? Meh. Who cares. Little stuff like that…was just annoying. Actor drama.
But the crap that did make me truly dislike Vic was when one of the actresses who introduced Vic to the industry called me crying because she had bent over backwards to help him get an audition at Funimation….and when he finally made it big, she asked him if he could return the favor and introduce her to some of the new directors at the studio. He told her no. She hasn't been in anything significant since.
Or the time I convinced one of my voice actress friends to go with me to a convention to show her what the con circuit was like. I warned her about Vic and told her to avoid him at all costs. He zeroed in on her immediately and while I was at a panel, he convinced her to take him to MY room and have sex in MY bed. I walked in on them. And of course I was upset. She apologized for what had happened and stated that HE had told her that he asked which bed was mine and then asked her to have sex with him in MY bed. She was convinced that the two of them were a couple. So surprise surprise, the next time she saw him, he looked past her and told her he had no clue who she was. So I had to leave the con and Dallas on Saturday because I had to consol her and drive us back to Austin. She refused to attend cons after that. And the fact that he would treat a fellow voice actress who was new to the con circuit and specifically wanted to go to MY room and use MY bed is disgusting and vile
Feels good to finally get that off my chest.
2019-2-6: Archive
It Happened to Me: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1093275331929296897
2019-2-6: Archive
Donald Shults – Silence is Consent: https://twitter.com/DonaldAShults/status/1093356833052520448
2019-2-6: Archive
Jamie Marchi – I Want His Head and Balls: https://twitter.com/marchimark/status/1093375213927104512
2019-2-7: Archive
Samantha Inoue-Harte – 20 angry PMs an hour: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215492694324705

Wow. lol. So had been reading a mass number of angry emails over the past couple days.
Ever since I posted about Vic, had been receiving about 20 angry PMs an hour. A few from the same folks who just decided to spam me.
It doesn't bother me because I knew it was going to happen.
So, lemme just say, you can spout alllllll the hate and anger ya want at me….. That's fine. Venting is healthy and helps relieve stress. I know you are angry. I know you are confused. I know that you feel you are feeling like you are being personally attacked. And if you are angry at me for telling you something that you didn't like….that's ok. Be angry. Rage away. Get it all out of your system
If I were in your shoes I would feel…. The…Exact….Same….Way…
Who wouldn't feel disgusted and angry and upset that someone you looked up to is proving not to be who you thought they were.
It is natural to feel angry and upset….but at some point you HAVE to accept the truth that is staring at you in the face.
You HAVE TO ACCEPT that someone you looked up to….was not who you thought they were….that they were…in fact…a VERY Shitty person.
You cannot ignore the truth and you cannot bury your head in the sand on this.
Bad things happened. None of it was right. You have to accept it at some point.
But until then, feel free to direct your anger at me. I will not respond to you personally but I will read your messages. I am publicly acknowleding you now. I hear you. I see you. I am not angry at you. Rage away, swear at me, cry, scream, break things, make threats against me….just remember….. This is not your fault….you are victims too.
And when you have finally let go of your anger, then maybe we can all work on healing together.
How about if we schedule some group meetups at a convention, we can all sit, have some bubble tea, and we can all talk things through
You are not alone. I am not mad at you. I stand with you too.
2019-2-7: Archive
Threats to Harm: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1093623647015710720
2019-2-7: Archive
Being Honest About an Assault: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1093626486081404930
2019-2-7: Archive
Monica Close to Vic: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1093688056396369921
OCA Podcast – 45: Metaphorical☆Boobs: https://youtu.be/kFbdnN-xYE4?t=12430
2019-2-7: Archive
Every Threat Will Be Prosecuted: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1093685787634401280
2019-2-7: Archive
Ask Your Mother: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1093687384758194176
2019-2-8: Archive
Something Sexual: https://twitter.com/marchimark/status/1094020618327150592
2019-2-9: Archive
Gatekeeping: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1094269424931168257
2019-2-10: Archive
Pattern of Assault: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1094768690480992257
2019-2-11: Archive
Recast Vic in Morose Mononokean: https://twitter.com/Funimation/status/1095087396209770501
2019-2-11: Archive
So Many People Participated in the Investigation: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1095139467126542336
2019-2-11: Archive
Multiple Investigations with Testimony, Proof, Evidence: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1095142142748643333
2019-2-11: Archive
Monica Didn't Steal Jobs: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1095143344689373186
2019-2-11: Archive
Multiple Investigation by Multiple Companies: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1095160963068817413
2019-2-11: Archive
He's the Legal Definition of Harassment: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1095173089225256960
2019-2-11: Archive (Note that the archive says 4:30 AM on the 12th. The archive is 8 hours later than my timezone so I've adjusted the position to compensate.)
Samantha Inoue-Harte – Don't support the GoFundMe: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215521436883251

Earlier today a very angry Risembool Ranger demanded to know, "If everything you said was true about Vic why didn't you report it before?"
To be clear, I have always been vocal about the things that Vic has done to me over the past 2 decades. ALWAYS. I have spoken to dozens of convention staff, conchairs, and fellow industry professionals for nearly 2 decades.
And the reponse I always received was either 1) a proverbial pat on the back for being a strong person or 2) "But his name boosts sales." or 3) "I believe you, but what can I do?"
I, and a large number of people have been reporting Vic's bad behaviour for nearly 2 decades…..think about that for a second…some of you reading this were probably not even born when I made my first complaint….I and other people in the industry have been trying to get our voices heard since the early 2000's.
My voice, and the voices of convention staff/volunteers, and the voices of industry professionals, and the voices of the fans….all of our voices have been ignored, silenced, and swept under the rug for nearly 2 decades.
And now that our combined voices are FINALLY being heard, a lot of you are trying to silence us again.
Why would I lie about the things that happened to me? What would I have to gain?
To be honest, I knew that as soon as I spoke up again, I would receive threats, verbal abuse, and endless amounts of hate mail.
And BOY did you all deliver.
Why would I voluntarily accept the amount of hate and threats that speaking out against Vic would bring?
Because all that I, and allllllI the other people have repeatedly reported for nearly 2 decades is true.
Do not donate to causes like this…..as this only perpetuates the cycle of victims' voices being silenced.
My voice was silenced for nearly 2 decades. Don't let my voice go silent again.
I love each and every one of you. I am not angry at any of you. But please. Do not let me be revictimized.
Rekieta Law Talks With Doug TenNapel About Vic Mignogna:
2019-2-12: Archive
Falsifiers of Evidence Should be Prosecuted: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1095325964861665281
2019-2-12: Archive
Silent about Everyone: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1095368742073237505
2019-2-12: Archive
Daman Mills Stalker: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1095370841553014784
2019-2-12: Archive (Archive screenshot is 8 hours later than it should be)
Samantha Inoue-Harte – Funimation's Investigation: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215528151531113

My personal thoughts on the investigation that Funimation performed was that it was very VERY thorough and very professionally handled. When I gave my testimony last week and provided my information, I was met with respect and the questions asked of me were very VERY detail oriented. I had not spoken with ANY voice actor or actress with regards to the questions that were asked of me prior nor after. I was asked to give detailed testimony of several instances that other voice actors and actresses had stated I was involved with. After my testimony I was informed that my testimony matched what was already documented. Dates, locations, other people involved all were documented. We combed through a LOT of information.
To demand proof be given to the general public would mean exposing the identity of victims who did not go public. Would detail their personal experiences. Would detail locations, dates, times, other people who witnessed the events, etc.
To demand proof means putting other people in the line of fire of internet harassment.
You are all witnesses to the internet harassment that people who have come forward publicly are suffering.
To demand proof means that you want to expose victims who have remained unnamed. And that….is cruel.
BUT….just to give you SOMETHING to give you an idea of the type of information provided….I decided to provide you with one single sample of an incident. I refuse to give anything further.
Names, contact information, full date, convention, etc and information not related to the incident have been erased.
So this is part of an email exchange I had with the manager of a Japanese idol singer the morning after an incident that followed my confrontation with Vic regarding introductions. The idol singer was very upset by Vic's advances after the altercation and the manager spent most of the evening calming the Japanese idol singer down.
So ask yourself….should you be privy to all the names, the contact information of various industry professionals, all the details of the victim's experiences?
Hopefully this gives you an idea of the sensitive nature of information and documentation provided during the investigation and you see why information like this should not be made public.
So trust Funimation on their decision. Their investigation was very very thorough. Please stop demanding proof that you have no right to know about.
2019-2-13: Archive (Archive screenshot is 8 hours later than it should be)
Samantha Inoue-Harte – Karma: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215535076264227

Dear Karma,
I love you……soooooo much right now. 😘😘😘
2019-2-15: Archive
Samantha Inoue-Harte – Move forward without Vic's toxicity: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.inoueharte/posts/10215544688424525

Ya know….I just want to say to you all, through this whole Vic debacle….I am so glad that though I went public and got some flack from his fans about my experiences of habitual bullying from Vic….you all respected me enough to keep those communications privately between just us. You didn't lay it out on my wall, you didn't drag my name out onto the rest of the internet.
Overall, you managed to keep things comparitively calm and respectful with me. Yes…at first you wanted to do terrible things….but….you eventually listened
And I truly thank you for that. You aired your grievances to me, and I listened. You were angry and demanded proof. You told me about how Vic was the only voice actor to be nice to you and accept you for who you are. You told me about your broken homes and families. You told me about how Vic was the only man to treat you with respect
I took it all in, and you showed me enough respect to listen to my experiences.
We've had some truly interesting debates over the past 2 weeks.
And the best part…..I didn't have to unfriend anyone. 😊 We got past the threats. Apologies were made.
Thank you for not turning into an unruly mob. And thank you for all the apologies. I forgive you.
It's time to move forward without Vic's toxicity. 😊
2019-2-14: Archive
Never Acted: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096266741670387713
2019-2-15: Archive
Threaten Vic: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096444551512842240
2019-2-15: Archive
Don't Work for Funimation: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096447228493746176
2019-2-15: Archive
False Claims Come With Legal Action: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096467929904939008
2019-2-19: Archive
Give Vic Another Shot: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096468272952664065
2019-2-16: Archive
Vic Could Have Prevented Hate: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1096780659752787969
2019-2-19: Archive
Apologizes for Fake Swatting: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1097952939841409024
2019-2-19: Archive
Admit When Wrong: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1097953328963743744
2019-2-19: Archive
Don't Care Cuck: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1097961503116935168
2019-2-19: Archive
Additional Truth Will Come Out: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098060962798727168
2019-2-20: Archive
No Behind the Scenes Job: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098221254446927872
2019-2-20: Archive
She Has No Reason to Lie: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098341658800857093
2019-2-20: Archive
Samantha Inoue-Harte Should be Sued by Vic: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098351139559538691
2019-2-20: Archive
Has Proof: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098351460394430464
2019-2-20: Archive
Fired for a Reason: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098369729935429632
2019-2-20: Archive
We Would Love to Go to Court: https://twitter.com/RonToye/status/1098379822810755072
Social (Media) Justice Panel – Yellowflash, Gator, AnimeOutsiders Talk Vic Mignogna!: https://youtu.be/_KQ0tBHKOSA
2019-2-18: Archive
Adam Sheehan – Deleted Swatting Post: https://twitter.com/neumaverick/status/1097675207953735681
Real Lawyer Explains Vic Mignogna's Potential LAWSUIT – Asks For Help!: https://youtu.be/snt0KPwYYv0
2019-2-19: Archive
Monica Spoke Up For Years: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1097870559805882369
2019-2-19: Archive
GIZMODO: One of Anime's Biggest Voices Accused of Sexual Harassment
2019-2-19: Archive
Original URL: https://oneangrygamer.net/2019/02/swat-hoaxer-samantha-inoue-harte-was-allegededly-involved-in-funimations-vic-mignogna-investigation/77371/
One Angry Gamer: Swatting Hoaxer Samantha Inoue-Harte was Allegedly Involved in Funimation's Vic Mignogna Investigation
2019-2-19: Archive
Monica's Story: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1098028342475964417
2019-2-19: Archive
Ready to go to court with 25 other ladies: https://twitter.com/Rialisms/status/1098083867465003008
OCA Podcast – 46: Gate of Bootylon: https://youtu.be/FWtEzoIFvaA?t=136
Jamie Marchi starts a GoFundMe for SCESA even though they have a direct donation option right on their website.
March 2019
2019-3-18: Archive
Daman Mills Cast in Juni Taisen: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1107851707273433091
2019-3-18: Archive
Daman Mills police report: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1107861034394619905
2019-3-24: Archive
Pulled Out of KamehaCon: https://twitter.com/DamanMills/status/1109844655343132672
May 2019
2019-5-17: Archive
Daman Mills Hypocrite: https://twitter.com/anime_esh202/status/1129595627602681856
June 2019
2019-6-24: Stan Dahlin's father receives e-mail meant for Stan from someone probing for information about his involvement

2019-6-28: Date of Monica Rial's Deposition
July 2019
2019-7-11: Facebook DMs between Monica Rial and Stan Dahlin

2019-7-18: Date of Stan Dahlin's Affidavit

2019-7-22: Michele Specht sends a Twitter DM to Stan Dahlin

August 2019
2019-8-30: Archive
Actor Yuki Matsuzaki responds to the #FuniLeaks: https://twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/status/1167352762155319296
2019-8-30: Archive
Yuki Matsuzaki claims his tweet will reach Toei Animation: https://twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/status/1167354843431915520
September 2019
Chris Slatosch's Unsworn Declaration (formerly affidavit)

November 2019
2019-11-11: Archive
T. Greg Doucette – Vic is a Predator and Pedophile: https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1193914644097851393
January 2020
Tammi Denbow ends her employment at Sony Pictures Entertainment as Executive Director, Employee Relations
April 2020
2020-4-16: Archive
School Shootings: https://twitter.com/marchimark/status/1250944298729734145
February 2021
2021-2-24: Archive
MarzGurl Credited as the Creator of the Hashtag: https://escapefromvaultdisney.libsyn.com/clouds-with-marzgurl
2022-2-16: Archive
Shoutout from Stan Dahlin: https://twitter.com/scdahlin/status/1494104476227358720
2022-2-16: Archive
Church Panel Correction: https://twitter.com/scdahlin/status/1494110760322093057
2022-2-20: Archive
Clips Channel Already Triggering: https://twitter.com/ISWVFails/status/1495439365798985728
2022-2-22: Archive
We Have a Stalker: https://twitter.com/ISWVFails/status/1496274951779004419
2022-2-23: Archive
Our Biggest Fan: https://twitter.com/ISWVFails/status/1496523363015135236
2022-2-24: Archive
Kiwi Farms Call Out: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/in-touch-discussion-review.112185/post-11249328
Source: https://ocapodcast.com/vic-archives
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